
Energy Efficiency!

This newsletter is devoted in particular to the topic of energy efficiency. Read some posts that cover this topic. Find out which measures you can take to operate your glass-lined reactors in an energy-efficient manner.

You are also welcome to use our offer regarding process engineering design and calculation. We would be happy to determine with your specific task what effects measures to increase efficiency in stirring and mixing and heat transfer are possible.

A lot of money can also be saved when cleaning CIP enamelled apparatus. THALETEC helps you: With the help of modern simulation methods, we can help optimize the cleaning result. Ask us about CIPSim and read the further information below.

Performance requirements of an chemical agitated reactor and potentials for operating cost reduction

Find out here how you can significantly reduce the operating costs of your glass-lined reactors!

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New flyer "Process engineering and mechnical calculation possibilities".

In this new flyer we show you the possibilities of THALETEC regarding the processing and mechanical design of glass-lined process equipment.

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Increased heat transfer with reduced and controlled glasslining layer thickness

In this technical paper, we present how heat transfer in glass-lined equipment is influenced by the glasslining and what possibilities there are for optimization.

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Thermal Package for glass-lined reactors

This comprehensive paper provides an overview of heat transfer options in glass-lined reactors and briefly summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the various options.

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Poster "Mixing Technology"

Different mixing tasks in glass-lined reactors require different agitating systems. It is not easy to keep track of them all. However, the new "Stirring Technology" poster makes it easy for you. It shows everything at a glance! Request a digital copy by e-mail to process@thaletec.com or a printed version under the following link!

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Selection tool for glass-lined Baffles

With this new flyer we help you to find the right baffle for your enameled equipment. Download the document here.

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New poster "Heating Technology" available

In the poster "Heating Technology" we clearly present all measures for optimizing heating and cooling times. Request a copy by mail to process@thaletec.com!

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THALETEC CIPSim – Simulate CIP cleaning

With CIPSim, THALETEC offers a new service: We simulate CIP cleaning processes in enamelled devices and help with their optimization. The flyer describes the offer comprehensively.

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We seek!

For a good customer we are looking for one used BE 6.300 and BE 16.000 glass-lined reactor each. The reactors should be designed according to the European Pressure Equipment Directive and have a double jacket. Send an e-mail to process@thaletec.com if you would like to sell such reactors (independent of the original manufacturer) to THALETEC.

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