
Increased heat transfer with reduced and controlled glasslining layer thickness

In this technical paper, we present how heat transfer in glass-lined equipment is influenced by the glasslining and what possibilities there are for optimization.

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Poster "Mixing Technology"

Different mixing tasks in glass-lined reactors require different agitating systems. It is not easy to keep track of them all. However, the new "Stirring Technology" poster makes it easy for you. It shows everything at a glance! Request a digital copy by e-mail to process@thaletec.com or a printed version under the following link!

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Overview of services and related products

A new poster summarizes all THALETEC services around your glass-lined equipment. Ask for it by e-mail! Please enter your contact details.

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THALETEC NozzPro – Protect your glass-lined equipment

The NozzPro protection system protects the manhole opening of your valuable glass-lined reactor or tank when entering and working in the vessel. Details can be found in the flyer, which you can download here.

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THALETEC "Glass-Lining Inspection" service

The flyer K169 now summarizes THALETEC's range of services around Glass-lining inspection.

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Digital Technical Documentation

Fewer and fewer customers insist on mountains of paper when requesting the technical documentation of glass-lined apparatus manufactured by THALETEC. In many cases, a link to THALETETC's DocuLink database is enough for the customer.

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The HydroCIPPY GL is a glass-lined CIP cleaning system for all glass-lined vessels and reactors

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