
New – DIN-Standard for testing of glass-linings for wear resistance

In May, the draft of the new DIN 51165-1 and 2 was published. This standard describes a test method for determining the hydroabrasion resistance of technical glass-linings. Details on the standard and its development can be found in the upcoming online workshop. Sign up below!

THALETEC Abrissist is the technical glass-lining, which has a particularly high resistance to hydroabrasion.

In addition, you will find links to the new topic posters in this THALE-mail, which you are welcome to request by mail!

Hydroabrasive Wear in glass-lined equipment – new Industrial Standard DIN 51165

June 15, 2023 | 13:00-13:45

The renown German Institute for Standardization (DIN) has now published a new Industrial Standard. This standard deals with the testing of glass-lined surfaces against hydroabrasion wear. In this online workshop we present the basics of this new and important standard.

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Abrasion and Wear Resistant Glass THALETEC Abrisist

THALETEC ABRISIST is a highly corrosion resistant and especially wear resistant glass-lining. It is specifically developed for all processes with solids in liquids.

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NEW – THALETEC MixView – All THALETEC Mixing Systems ONLINE!

THALETEC MixView is now available! Choose from the extensive range of mixing systems and look at the flow pattern, a homogenization process and the particle distribution when mixing suspensions!

Start MixView

New Poster "Electrostatics in glass-lined Reactors" available

Electrostatic charges in glass-lined reactors can be safely handled with a range of solutions from THALETEC. The poster presents all the possibilities in an overwhelming way. Request your copy by e-mail to process@thaletec.com!

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Poster "CIP and GMP"

CIP solutions from THALETEC help to clean glass-lined equipment economically. The new poster shows all the possibilities. Request a digital copy by e-mail to process@thaletec.com or a printed version under the following link!

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New poster "Heating Technology" available

In the poster "Heating Technology" we present all measures for optimizing heating and cooling times. Request a digital copy by e-mail to process@thaletec.com or a printed version under the following link!

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New poster "Gassing Processes" available

This poster summarizes all solutions from thaletec to perform gassing processes in glass-lined reactors. Sent an email to process@thaletec.com to get a copy.

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New spare parts catalog flange gaskets up to ND14´´ available

Download the new catalog flange gaskets up to DN400 here.

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New spare parts catalog flange gaskets for large equipment openings available

Download the new catalog flange gaskets from ND16´´ here.

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