It hardly gets more universal than this! The THALETEC UFT-Turbine is the glass lined agitator with the highest axial pumping capacity of all THALETEC agitators. This design is therefore ideally suited for all applications where a pronounced axial flow in the glass lined reactor is important. This includes, for example, processes such as suspending solids, homogenizing media or heat transfer in low to medium-high viscosity applications.
The THALETEC UltraFlow Turbine –UFT- is therefore particularly suitable for use in multipurpose plants in which different media are processed. The THALETEC UFT can also be optimally used in processes in which the agitating conditions, in particular the viscosity of the media, change in the course of the process.
The UFT turbine usually consists of two components; two agitator blades are mounted on each hub. The same stirring effect can also be achieved with a stirring element in which four blades are mounted on a hub in an X-shaped arrangement. This design is available for reactors up to 16,000 l as "UFX".
For more Details, see flyer K173

Enrgy dissipation of an UFT turbine as one upper stage in a multistage glasslined mixing system