THALETEC repairs them all
THALETEC is the specialist when it comes to repairing and maintaining glass-lined agitated reactors of all major manufacturers.
THALETEC has now developed an optimized assembly tool for the disassembly and assembly of mechanical seals on Pfaudler VSO series agitators. This makes work faster and, above all, safer.

Use of the newly developed tool for VSO agitators
The assembly tool is based on THALETEC's proven lifting tool for THALETEC mixer drives, which customers describe as particularly effective and user-friendly. This proven tool can be securely attached to any VSO agitator drive using clamps. Mechanical seals from all manufacturers can now be installed and removed from Pfaudler agitator drives with this tool.
An additional device has now been developed for the THALETEC assembly tool, with which the agitator coupling of VSO agitators can also be safely dismantled, handled and assembled. This device is simply clamped onto the assembly tool.
With the aid of this assembly system, it is now possible to disassemble and assemble mechanical seals and shaft lip seals on Pfaudler VSO agitators at speeds, quality and safety previously considered impossible.